I Want Nothing From or For Anyone : Spiritual Guidance Blog
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I Want Nothing From or For Anyone

by Robert Meagher on 08/02/19

A new awareness is emerging on my journey. I want nothing from or for anyone.

I want nothing from anyone. At the core this is a statement of expectation. This statement may be misunderstood. So please allow me to clarify. If I need help, I will certainly ask for it. But I will not expect a certain outcome from this ‘ask.’ What will result from asking is what will happen. I let go of all expectation of the outcome. This wanting nothing from anyone is also an awareness and trust in life that I truly do have everything I need in and from life. What would I ever want from anyone when I am perfectly whole, safe and resting peacefully in the arms of God?

I want nothing for anyone. This part of the equation was a more challenging one for me to accept. I tend toward wanting to ‘be there’ for people. I have a natural tendency to want to help people in need. The very idea of not wanting anything for anyone has challenged my natural tendency to want to help people in need. What I have come to realize is that I can trust in life. And a cornerstone of this trust in life is a trust that everyone, without exception, is exactly where they need to be to take the next step in their journey. To want something for someone may suggest that they are ‘in need’ or ‘wanting’ for something. This perception of a need assumes they are somehow lacking, inferior or, even worse, suffering. Nothing could be further from the truth! To see the reality beyond the perception of lack, inferiority or suffering is to know everyone is perfect, just as they are. There is nothing lacking in anyone. There is nothing anyone could every want or need. Their divine wholeness is without any concept of lack.

Wanting nothing from or for anyone is a practice in non-judgement. Can I not judge a person, situation, or a situation that a person finds themselves in, including myself? If so, I could not possibly want anything from anyone. If so, I could not possibly want anything for anyone. If I rest in non-judgement, I can simply allow what is, to be.

Robert Meagher has been ordained as an Interfaith Minister and certified as a Sacred Attention Therapy (SAT) Therapist. Robert is the Founder and Spiritual Director for Spiritual Guidance and Co-Founder of the Center for Human Awakening.


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Shanti, Namaste, Agapé,

Rev. Robert Meagher