Keep Practicing and One Day It Will Become Second Nature : Spiritual Guidance Blog
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Keep Practicing and One Day It Will Become Second Nature

by Robert Meagher on 11/02/22

Photo Credit: - Pixabay

One cycling day last month I headed out to one of my favorite destinations. Just 1 km from my destination, at the furthest point from my where I started, my back tire went flat. I was directly across from a popular rest stop, so I gently rolled myself into the stop.

I took my bicycle repair kit out of my pannier bags, along with my previously-prepared instructions to fix a flat tier, and began the process. Shortly after I began repairing the tire, I young man stopped and asked if I had everything I needed. I said yes, thanked the man, and wished him a good day. I continued with my tire repair and a few minutes later a man and woman stopped to ask if I needed any help. I was well along in my repair and responded, “This isn’t exactly something I do every day, but I think I’ll be okay.”

There must have been something in my voice or written on my face, but the man said, “How about I stick around to see if you’ll need any help.” I thanked the man, saying “That’s very kind of you. Thank you.”

It wasn’t too long after that exchange that I ran into a snag with putting the repaired inner tube back into the tire. The man could see I was struggling, and said… “Here, let me help.” A few minutes later, I was back on track and 5 minutes after that, I had the tire back on the bike and was ready to hit the road again. I continued my cycling adventures for the day and made it back home safely.

The next day, I decided to take my bike into the local bike shop to have them check the bike. I explained to the bike jockey that I had a flat tire the previous day, and that I was able to fix the flat and get myself back home. I explained that because I was not confident in my mechanical ability, I would appreciate him taking a quick look over my bike to make sure I put everything back together correctly.

I watched the bike jockey quickly put the bike up on the hoist, quickly remove the tire from the bike, quickly and effortlessly check the tire and the gear mechanism, put the tire back on the bike, and adjust everything so that it was like brand new and coming off the assembly line at the factory.

I had been coming to this bike shop for many years. Early on, I couldn’t even change a flat tire. No doubt, I had been a butt of a few jokes among the bike jockeys about my lack of mechanical abilities. But over the years, I had become comfortable repairing a flat tire; given I had experienced more than my fair share of flat tires over the years while out on my cycling adventures. I’m just not as confident getting the tire back on the bike and making sure the gear mechanism is properly in place and calibrated properly.

As I watched the bike jockey look over my bike, it was clear he had lots of practice repairing bicycles. Afterall, it’s his job. He could repair a flat tire with his eyes closed! The more practice I get fixing a flat tire, the more confident I get repairing the bicycle on my own. Each time I take my bicycle in to the local bike shop and watch the bike jockey work on my bike, I learn something new.

The above story and experience are no different than my spiritual practice. The more I practice, the more my practice becomes second nature. After enough practice, I don’t even need to think about what I’m doing. My mind and body seemingly remember for me. So, keep practicing. One day you’ll notice your work is paying off. One day you’ll notice it’s no longer practice, it’s your life.


Robert Meagher has been ordained as an Interfaith Minister and certified as a Sacred Attention Therapy (SAT) Therapist. Robert is the Founder and Spiritual Director for Spiritual Guidance and Co-Founder of the Center for Human Awakening.

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Shanti, Namaste, Agapé,

Rev. Robert Meagher