How To Shift Your Thoughts : Spiritual Guidance Blog
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How To Shift Your Thoughts

by Robert Meagher on 01/07/15

The world is full of a lot of fear and a lot of negativity, and a lot of judgment. I just think people need to start shifting into joy and happiness. As corny as it sounds, we need to make a shift.”

 Ellen DeGeneres 


We all know that we are 100% responsible for our thoughts, our actions, our life, our world. We all know that no one and no thing outside of us controls how we see the world. But we all know that sometimes our thoughts do take us to places we would rather not go. When this happens, how do we shift our thoughts back to a place of love?

I recently re-discovered a simple process that allows me to shift my thoughts away from worry and fear to a place of peace, serenity, joy and love. I want to share this process with you so that it may help you as much as it has helped me. For those student and teachers of A Course in Miracles, you may recognize this process from T-30.I – Rules for Decision.

This process I share with you begins with my first conscious thoughts when I wake in the morning. Even before I reach for the alarm clock to shut it off:

1.     1.  Say out loud… “Thank you!” And mean it! If you are not sure what you are saying thank you for, do not worry. In time, you will understand what you are saying “Thank you!” for. As a little suggestion, say the words with a smile on your face and notice how your day is that much more peaceful.

2.    2.  Next, say to yourself… “I will not judge anything today.” What is implied with this intention is that no matter what comes your way during the day, you will not get upset; because to get upset means you have perceived and judged the circumstance as something unwanted. Simply accept what comes to you throughout the day with no judgement.

3.     3.  Next, say to yourself… “This is the day I want.” And proceed to say out loud the kind of day you want. For me, I always say “I want a day full of peace, serenity, joy and love.”

Then I proceed to shut off my alarm. My intention has been set for the day…before I even get out of bed.

As I go throughout my day, I will often be met with circumstances that will challenge my invocation and intention above. When this happens, the first sign I am not in alignment with my intention is that I am feeling something that doesn’t feel good—anger, anxiety, frustration, fear, etc. When I am aware of any devolving emotion:

1.     1.  Say out loud or to yourself… “I forgot what to decide.” Remember, I declared before I even got out of bed that I was (a) not going to judge anything today, and (b) I was going to have a day full of peace, serenity, joy and love. If I am feeling an emotion that is not aligned with that intention, then I must have forgotten what I decided to start my day.

2.     2.  Even if saying “I forgot what to decide” doesn’t work for you, then simply admit to yourself that “At least I can recognize I do not like how I am feeling.” This is your acknowledgement of your desire to see the situation differently. This is the door you are opening to change your mind about your situation and your opportunity to bring yourself back to peace, serenity, joy and love.

3.    3.   After one or both of the above two steps has been honored, simply declare “I want another way to look at this” and wait for your answer. It’s within you…you only need to want to see the situation differently in order to see it differently.

In In short, you begin your day with a 3-step process:

1.   1.  Thank you.

2.   2.   I choose not to judge anything today.

3.   3.  This is the day I want [then state the day you want].

…and if you ‘go off the rails throughout the day’…your 3-step process to get you back on track:

1.    1.  I forgot what to decide.

2.    2.  At least I can recognize I do not like how I am feeling.

3.    3.  I want another way to look at this.

The above, simple process has helped me through some, seemingly, very dark times recently. Not only did the above process teach me that all I was dealing with was my thoughts about something, not the actual thing, but it also taught me what it means to be vigilant for God. Every time my thoughts would devolve, I would bring my thoughts back to peace, serenity, joy and love. On one day in particular, I must have repeated my 3-step process AT LEAST 100 times during the day! But I did it! I was vigilant. And my day ended as it began, in peace, serenity, joy and love.

Give the above 3-step process a try and let me know how it works (or doesn’t) for you. But remember, whether it works for you or not, it’s your choice. And don’t worry,..God still loves you, and so do I.

In love, gratitude, compassion and forgiveness…

Shanti, Namaste, Agapé,

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Shanti, Namaste, Agapé,

Rev. Robert Meagher