Peace Is Your Litmus Test : Spiritual Guidance Blog
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Peace Is Your Litmus Test

by Robert Meagher on 12/17/14

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.”

 Jimi Hendrix 

How do you know if you are living from your ego, or if you are living from your higher power? How do you know if you have made the right decision in any situation? How do you know if you are living the life you were intended to live? These are just a few questions of this magnitude that most of us grapple with on a daily basis.

Recently, a wise student attended one of the discussion groups I am blessed to facilitate. When another student in the room expressed frustration that they did not know when they were living from their ego or from their higher power, this wise student offered their litmus test for such profundity.

“I know I am living from my ego or from my higher power if I am at peace. If I am not at peace in any moment, with any decision I make, I know I am living from my ego. If I am at peace, then I know I am living from my higher power. Peace is my litmus test that allows me to gauge where I am in my relationship with my ego and my higher self. I extend this litmus test, as much as consciously possible, to every aspect of my daily life and allow my peace-litmus-test to guide me to live the life I was intended to live in this time and space.”

The simplicity of this teaching, the “peace-litmus-test,” was a beautiful and profound offering. I don’t know about you, but as I grow older (the jury’s out on if I am also growing wiser!) I gravitate toward simplicity in my life. I look for the simple, the unequivocal indicators, the clear signs to inform me what works, and what doesn’t work, in my life. This “peace-litmus-test” is such a simple, unequivocal indicator.

I have since been asked about those situations when neither decision I seem to be faced with leaves me with any peace. I know that when I am in that situation, I am not being honest with myself. I know full well what will bring me peace, I merely need to muster up the courage to choose differently and choose for peace. There may be an initial, jolt of discomfort required in shedding the ego, but peace awaits!

What is your litmus test that allows you to know if you are living from your ego or from your higher power? How do you know if you have made the right decision in any situation? How do you know if you are living the life you were intended to live? Share your wisdom and bring peace to the world.

In love, gratitude, compassion and forgiveness…

Shanti, Namaste, Agapé,

Comments (1)

1. yyyyyyyyy said on 3/3/15 - 08:14AM
I LOVE IT . SO MUCH ..................................................................................................

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Shanti, Namaste, Agapé,

Rev. Robert Meagher